上海,青浦2024-09-12 11:51:37
143 次浏览用户_1709396
Liaise with science teaching staff on their needs for practical work and maintain an efficient system for use and allocation of materials and equipment setting a priority system where necessary
Prepare solutions, stains and media and any other set-ups for use in the laboratory or practicals
Deliver required practicals to classrooms; collect and clean equipment after practicals
Maintain a safe chemical storage/handling disposal system in accordance with current regulations
Advise science teaching staff on technical components of curriculum
Assist with security of science laboratories and equipment
Care of flora and fauna within the science department, in accordance with current handling and prevention of cruelty regulations
Collect and maintain living specimens
Collect off campus scientific materials and field samples
Advise and assist science teaching staff in safety matters relating to the science laboratory
Liaise with organisations and industries for the purpose of acquiring equipment etc
Liaise with other schools to share resources
Maintain inventory of equipment
Assist with labelling, storage, stocktaking and ordering of equipment and chemicals
Set-up simple glassware/general equipment for laboratory use
Service and clean simple laboratory apparatus/equipment
Develop maintenance procedures for laboratory equipment
Employ safe work practices in the laboratory that are informed by legal requirements in China and extended by international best practice
Advise and assist Science teaching staff in safety matters, including risk assessments and control of hazards involving practical activities relating to Science
Maintain safety equipment and supplies in Science areas
Safe storage and disposal of biological residues in accordance with current regulations
Review and assess teacher completed risk assessments
Assess, document and review risks and control procedures for hazards presented by materials and processes used in the preparation of experiment requests in Science